Fly - Cordilura Picipes
Taken at Baron's Haugh on 26th May 2020 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 105 mm macro lens. Fact File
Fly - Cordilura Picipes
Taken at Musselburgh on 24th May 2019 using Panasonic Lumix LX5 in macro mode
Fact File
Taken at Baron's Haugh on 23rd May 2015 using Panasonic Lumix LX5 in macro mode
Fact File
Fly - Cordilura Picipes.
Cordilura picipes.
Larval Food:

Adult Food:


The larval-biology of this family include plant feeders,
leaf miners, stem-borers or feeding in seed capsules,
aquatic predators and predators on other insect larvae
in wet situations - such as piles of rotting vegetable matter,
seaweed or dung.
Predators on other small insects, and while
they are commonly seen on flowers, they are
hunting prey there, rather than acting as pollinators
3 - 12 mm.
Marshland and damp heath.