Great Crested Grebe
Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 13th March 2024 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens. Fact File

Snippets from Courtship Dance

Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 25th February 2022 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens.
Fact File

Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 17th February 2023 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens. Fact File
Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 2nd July 2020 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens. Fact File
Great Crested Grebe
Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 4th March 2020 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens. Fact File

Taken at Linlithgow Loch on 5th March 2023 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens.
Fact File
Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 6th April 2016 using Nikon D5200 with Sigma 150-500 mm zoom lens.
Fact File
Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 4th August 2022 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoon lens.
Fact File

Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 30th July 2021 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoon lens.
Fact File
Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 31st July 2020 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoon lens.
Fact File
Great Crested Grebe
Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 19th May 2021 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens.
Fact File
Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 23rd May 2018 with Nikon D5200 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens.
Fact File

Winter Plumage
Taken at Musselburgh on 8th January 2016 using Nikon D5200 with Sigma 150-500 mm zoom lens.
Fact File

Great Crested Grebe
Species :
Local names:
Podiceps cristatus.

Site Of Nest:

Nesting Period:
Breeds on lakes, slow rivers, gravel pits, etc.
Fish, but also little crustaceans, insects and little frogs.
This species was hunted almost to extinction in the United Kingdom in the 19th century for its head plumes, which were used to decorate hats. The RSPB was initially set up to help protect this species.
46-51 cm .
April -August.
Usually just two.