Red Breasted Merganser Male
Taken at Musselburgh on 18th February 2018 using Nikon D5200 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens.
Fact File
Male Winter Plumage
Taken at Hogganfield Loch on 19th November 2015 using Nikon D5200 with Sigma 150-500 mm zoom lens.
Fact File
Male Eclipse Plumage
Taken at Musselburgh on 19th November 2015 using Nikon D5200 with Sigma 150-500 mm zoom lens.
Fact File

Juvenile  ( New )
Taken at Maidens on 3rd September 2023 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens.
Fact File
Taken at Irvine Harbour on 11th Janaury 2018 using Nikon D5200 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens.
Fact File
Taken at Irvine Harbour on 12th February 2017 using Nikon D5200 with Sigma 600 mm lens. Fact File
Taken at Stevenston on 27th September 2015 using Nikon D5200 with Sigma 150-500 mm zoom lens. Fact File
Taken at Musselburgh on 7th October 2018 using Nikon D500 with Sigma 600 mm zoom lens. Fact File
Red Breasted Merganser.
Species :
Local names:
Mergus Serrator.

Site Of Nest:

Breeding Period:
On the ground in long grass.
Dives for fish and invertebrates.
The male has a dark head with a green sheen, a white neck with a rusty breast, a black back, and white underparts. Adult females have a rusty
head and a greyish body. The juvenile is like the female, but lacks the white collar and has a smaller white wing patch.
51–62 cm 
70–86 cm 
April - June. 1 brood
8 to 11