Welcome to Watching Nature.

Azure Damselfly Bulbous Buttercup Juvenile Black Tern

The driving force of this website is nature inspired digital photography.

The Blog chronicles our expeditions, 
from 2015, on a Sunday to photograph nature in action at places all over Scotland, weather, and breakfast venue, permitting. The best of the photographs are added to the various Galleries.

From November 2024 the Blog now  chronicles Jim's travels throughout the WHOLE week to places local and further afield.

Due to Covid 19 restrictions, Jim was nature-watching on his own from March 2020 until 2nd May 2021. The  Blogs during that time were the product of local exercise walks and observations in his garden.

We've added an Archive menu option where you can " visit "  the places we've been since 2015.

Click on  Galleries  for  an index of all the species on the website or click on FloraFungi/Lichen/Slime Moulds
Vertebrates or Invertebrates for indexed thumbnail images which may help you to identify something you have come across.

While in the galleries, click on this Information Icon to see species data.


We use Google maps on this site for a sense of  where a photograph was taken.


In taking pictures of nesting birds, great care is taken to avoid disturbing the birds. A telephoto lens is always used at a concealed position some distance from the nest.


On the wildflower pages, we have reproduced some folklore on the history of medicinal properties associated with the flower.

Watching Nature can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally or as food.


 When picking any Fungus for consumption, caution should be exercised at all times.
Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally or as food.


All  photographs on this site are conditional copyright free, but this site uses other conditional copyright photographs and sound files to enhance the information section, so please check out the copyright link on these pages  for details of what is allowed and what is not.

Brown Rat
Roe Deer
Common or Harbour Seal

Cameras and Lenses used:

Smart iPhone 8,  iPhone 12 mini.
Nikon D40X, Nikon D5200, Nikon D500, Panasonic Lumix LX5, Nikon Coolpix
Panasonic Lumix TZ70, Nikon Coolpix P950
Lenses: Nikon 18-55 mm, Nikon 300 mm zoom, Nikon 150-500 mm zoom,
Sigma 600 mm zoom,
Sigma 1401 Teleconvertor, Raynox DCR-250 Macro Lens. Sigma 105 mm Macro lens.
Attachments: Leica 65 Televid Spotting Scope    Top