Photographs by Category:Flora

A - G   H - M   N - S   T - Z
Aconite - Winter Agrimony Alexanders
Alkanet - Green Alyssum - Sweet Anemone - Balkan
Anemone - Pink Anemone - Wood Angelica - Wild
Asphodel - Bog Aster - Sea Aubretia
Avens - Water Avens - Wood
B Top
Balsam - Himalayan Balsam - Small Balsam - Yellow
Bartsia - Red Bear's Breech Bedstraw - Common Marsh
Bedstraw - Heath Bedstraw - Hedge Bedstraw - Lady's
Bellflower - Cornish Bellflower - Giant Bellflower - Nettle Leaved
Betony Bilberry Bindweed - Field
Bindweed - Hedge Bindweed - Large Bindweed - Sea
Bistort - Amphibious Bistort - Common Bittercress - Hairy
Bittercress - Large Bittercress - Wavy Bittersweet
Black Medic Blackthorn Bluebell - Common
Bluebell - Spanish Bogbean

Bramble British Soldoers
Broom Bryony - White Buckwheat
Buddleja Bugle Bugloss - Anchusa Arvensis.
Bugloss - Viper's Burdock - Lesser  Burnet - Great
Bur- Reed - Branched  Butterbur-Common Butterbur - White
Buttercup - Bulbous Buttercup - Celery-leaved Buttercup - Creeping
Buttercup - Meadow Butterwort - Common
C Top
Common Camas
Campion - Bladder Campion - Red
Campion - Sea Campion - Silene dioica x Silene latifolia Campion - White
Catsear Greater Celandine Celandine - Lesser
Chamomile Charlock Chicory
Chickweed - Common Chickweed - Water Chickweed - Wintergreen
Chives Cinquefoil - Marsh Balkan Clary
Clary -  Meadow Cleavers Climbing Corydalis
Clover - Crimson Clover - Hare's Foot Clover - Red
Clover - White Clover - Zig Zag Clubrush - Sea
Coltsfoot Comfrey Common Centaury
Corncockle Cornflower Cornflower - Perennial
Corn Spurrey Cosmos - Purple Cottongrass
Cow Parsley Cowslip Cow Wheat - Common
Cranesbill - Bloody Cranesbill - Cut Leaved Cranesbill - Dove's Foot
Cranesbill - Dusky Cranesbill - French Cranesbill - Hedgerow
Cranesbill - Meadow Cranesbill - Pencilled Cranesbill - Purple
Round-leaved Cranesbill Cranesbill - Small Flowered Wood Cranesbill
Crocus - Yellow Crocus - Ruby Giant Crocus - Spring
Crosswort Crowfoot - Common Water Crowfoot - Water - River
Cuckoo Flower Cudweed - Common Cudweed - Marsh
D Top
Daffodil Daffodil - Dwarf Daffodil - Poet's
Daisy - Common Daisy - Michaelmas Daisy - Oxeye
Daisy - Seaside Dame's Violet Dandelion
Deadnettle - Henbit Deadnettle - Red Deadnettle - White
Dock - Broad Leaved Dock - Curly Dock - Wood
Dogs Mercury
E Top
Early Meadow - Rue Elderberry Evening Primrose
F Top
Fat Hen Fern Feverfew
Figwort Common Figwort - Water Figwort - Yellow
Flax -Cultivated
Flax - Fairy Fleabane - Blue
Fleabane - Common Fleabane - Mexican Flowering Currant
Flowering Rush Forget - me - not - Alpine Field Forget-me-not
Forget - Me - Not - Water Forget - me - not - Wood Fox and Cubs
Foxglove Foxtail Barley Fringecups
Fritillary - Snake's Head Fumitory - Common Fumitory - Yellow
Fushia Fuchsia - Magellanica
G Top
Gallant Soldier Gentian - Field Glasswort - Common
Glasswort - Purple Globeflower - Common Globe Onion
Glory Of The Snow - Forbes' Goats Beard Goldenrod - Canadian
Goldenrod - European Gooseberry Gorse
Grape Holly Grass Of Parnassus Ground Elder
Ground Ivy Groundsel - Common Groundsel - Heath
Groundsel - Sticky Gypsywort
A - G   H - M   N - S   T - Z