Photographs by Category:Flora

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Nettle - Common Nightshade - Black Nightshade - Enchanters
Old Man's Beard Orache - Common Orache - Frosted
Orache - Grass-leaved Orache - Spear - Leaved Orchid - Bee
Orchid - Early Marsh Orchid - Early Purple >Orchid - Common Spotted
Orchid - Greater Butterfly Orchid - Hebridean Spotted Orchid - Heath Spotted
Orchid - Leopard Marsh Orchid - Northern Marsh Orchid - Northern Marsh x Common Spotted
Orchid - Southern Marsh Orpine
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Pansy - Field Pansy - Wild Parsnip - Wild
Pea - Broad Leaved Everlasting Pea - Sweet
Periwinkle - Greater Periwinkle - Lesser Piggy Back Plant
Pignut Plantain - Buck's Horn Plantain - Common Water
Greater Plantain Plantain - Ribwort Plantain - Sea
Plum - American Beach Poppy - California Poppy - Opium
Poppy - Red Poppy - Welsh Poppy - Yellow Horned
Primrose Purslane - Pink Purslane White ( Variety )
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Radish - Sea Radish - Wild Ragged Robin
Ragwort - Common Ragwort - Marsh Ragwort - Oxford
Ramsons Rapeseed Raspberry
Redshank Reedmace Restharrow - Common
Rocket - Garden Rocket - Sea Rosemary
Rose Of Sharon Roseroot Beach Rose
Rose - Wild Rush - Field Wood Rush - Great Wood
Rush - Sharp Flowered
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Salad Burnet Salmonberry Sanicle - European
Saxifrage - Meadow Saxifrage - Opposite Leaved - Golden Saxifrage - Yellow
Scabious - Devil's Bit Scabious - Field Scarlet Pimpernel
Scots Lovage Scurvygrass - Common Scurvygrass - Danish
Sea Buckthorn Sea Holly - Alpine Sea Holly
Sea Kale Sea Milkwort Sea Sandwort
Sea Spurrey - Greater Sea Spurrey - Lesser Pendulous Sedge
Self Heal - Common Sheep's Bit Silverweed
Skullcap Skunk Cabbage Sneezewort
Snowberry - Common Snowdrop - Common Snow-In-Summer
Soapwort - Common Sorrel - Common Sorrel - Pink
Sorrel - Sheep's Sorrel - Wood Spearwort - Lesser
Speedwell - Germander Speedwell - Common Field Speedwell - Heath
Speedwell - Ivy-leaved Speedwell - Large Speedwell - Thyme - leaved
Speedwell - Wall Wood Speedwell Spiraea Arguta
Spring Beauty Spurge - Sun Spurge - Wood
Siberian Squill Squill - Spring Star Of Bethlehem - Arcuatum
Star Of Bethlehem - Umbellatum St. John's Wort - Hairy St John's Wort - Imperforate
St John's Wort - Perforate St John's Wort - Slender St John;s Wort - Square Stemmed
Stitchwort - Greater Stitchwort - Lesser Stitchwort - Wood
Stonecrop - Biting Stonecrop - English Stonecrop - White
Storksbill - Common Strawberry - Barren Strawberry - Garden
Strawberry - Wild Sunflower Sweet Cicely
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