26th May
Pow Burn and Irvine Harbour
After a week of bright sunny weather in Central Scotland,
Sunday’s weather was to be dominated be a splodge of dull, wet
and windy weather passing eastward. Luckily that meant that the west
coast would be dry by the afternoon, so we headed for Pow Burn
near Prestwick to chance our luck there. We called in at Stewartfield
Morrisons in East Kilbride for a breakfast (7/10: very poor service and
cold beans and bacon) before motoring down the M77 to Prestwick. On
parking near the Prestwick Holiday Park, which is near the end of the
runway of the airport, we were greeted by a pair of Rabbits
in an adjacent field. Nice start! We followed the path that took us
along the west side of the Pow Burn. Below a footbridge there were a
few Mallards but little else. We could hear the sweet tones of singing
Blackbirds and a Song Thrush as we made our way past very damp
Hawthorns (see also, “Pictures of the Week”, below).
Rabbit |
Mallard |
Blackbird |
Song Thrush |
At the side of the practice area of the historic Prestwick Golf Club I came across a patch of Barren Strawberries. A Black Slug
lay in the middle of the path and was in great danger of being
trampled. On Bramble leaves I noticed a few 7-spot Ladybirds hunting
for Aphids. There were a few bushes of Comfrey with rather lovely pendulous purple blooms.
Barren Strawberry |
Black Slug |
7-Spot Ladybird |
Common Comfrey |
While I was photographing the above with the macro mode of my wee Lumix
LX5, John took my Nikon D500 for a spell and managed to capture a shot
of a Kestrel hovering some 50m away. I briefly took possession of the
big camera and managed a few snaps of a cocky Reed Bunting perching on
thorny branches (see also, “Pictures of the Week”, below).
Once again John was showing his photographic skills by catching some
shots of a singing Sedge Warbler ,
as I gathered shots of the vegetation (next set). John spotted a
fledgling Starling on a branches by the path. There was a large flock of
very active, flighty Starlings on bushes lining the high banks of the
Burn. It was probably the fledgling’s maiden flight and it had the
bravery to return to its flock as we approached.
Kestrel |
Reed Bunting |
Sedge Warbler |
Fledging Starling |
As John was with the Sedge Warbler I was busy seeking out wildflowers
scattered amongst the tall grass and bushes. I saw Lady’s Mantle,
its large leaves carrying drops of the rain that had, thankfully,
passed. Pretty, toothed white Greater Stitchwort flowers were peeking
through the dense tall grasses. In other areas White Campion
plants stood proud of the surrounding grasses. I also found pink
flowered Campions that were actually hybrids of Red crossed with White
Lady's Mantle |
Greater Stitchwort |
White Campion |
Red x White Campion Cross |
At the end of the golf practice range I managed a long shot of one of
the many Skylarks we had been hearing throughout the walk. We then
turned our attention to the Burn area but as we looked down onto what
might be described as a small gorge, we were disappointed as all we
saw, nice though they were, were a pair of Mute Swans. I snapped a
striking bunch of Red Campion
flowers on the banking. They stood in contrast to the surrounding green
foliage and completed a trio of Campions. At the mouth of the Pow Burn
we watched a Meadow Pipit attempting to fly north into the very stiff
wind. It failed and had to rest in the grassy dunes.
Skylark |
Mute Swan |
Red Campion |
Meadow Pipit |
The view of the rather grey conditions at Prestwick sands seen from the dunes at the mouth of the Pow Burn:
I was attracted to an area covered by the large leaves of Butterbur. I spotted a Spring Vetch
plant poking out of the blanket of green. As we neared completion of
our circuit of the site I came across a nice example of Common Storksbill.
On the grass ahead of me a Jackdaw poked at the soil, digging out
invertebrates. Our final capture at Pow Burn was worth waiting for. A
male Whitethroat
gave us the runaround as it skipped behind leaves and twigs in the
bushes. Eventually I got passable shots (see also, “Pictures of
the Week”, below) and it was off to Irvine Harbour for our tea.
Spring Vetch |
Common Storksbill |
Jackdaw |
Common Whitethroat |
We reached Irvine in 10 mins and, before sipping tea, we strolled along
the riverside to the Irvine Bar. As we stood there a very kind fellow
started feeding the gulls with large nan breads, presumably leftover
from his restaurant. They certainly loved the spicy food as you can see
from the first photo below (see also, “Pictures of the
Week”, below). Out in the mouth of the estuary a third cycle
Great Black-backed Gull stood on a post resisting the
ever-strengthening wind. Below it a pair of Eider bobbed violently in
choppy waters. Our last photo was of a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers
flying out of the Estuary at great speed against the wind.
Feeder |
3rd Cycle Great Black-backed Gull |
Eider |
Red-breasted Merganser |
We celebrated an enjoyable trip in the usual way - strong cups of tea
and pastries. The chocolate cream eclairs were delicious, a suitable
reward for getting such a varied set of sightings. The weather was
satisfactory but maybe we’ll get some sunshine next week.
Pictures of the Week:
Song Thrush |
Reed Bunting |
Common Whitethroat |
Herring Gull |
19th May 2019:
Stevenson, Saltcoats and Troon Harbour
Murky weather was predicted for most of Scotland on Sunday, but the
exception was the southwest coast. It was a no-brainier then,
Stevenson, Saltcoats and Troon seemed a good choice of destinations.
After a delicious breakfast in Stevenston Morrisons (9.5/10) we headed
for Stevenston Point. On arrival we were greeted by a flypast of summer
plumage Sanderlings .
They settled on the rocky Point (also see, “Pictures of the
Week”, below). Also there we noticed that there were a few Dunlin
and Turnstones, also in summer plumage. Just off the Point a pair of
Cormorants were drying there feathers. John drew my attention to an
incoming Gannet that passed without diving, sadly.
Sanderling |
Turnstone |
Cormorants |
Gannet |
I spotted a nice example of Thrift,
often called Sea Pink, a common sight on cliffs around the coasts of
Britain. John commented on how pristine it looked given its exposed
position to on the rocks. As I photographed it I noticed a couple of Plantain species, the Buckshorn and Ribwort Plantains. Watching me carefully was a third cycle Herring Gull.
Thrift |
Buckshorn Plantain |
Ribwort Plantain |
3rd Cycle Herring Gull |
The Point was becoming very active with human activities such as kite
fliers, jet skiers, fisherman setting off in a boat, and (ahem!)
birdwatchers. It was all too much for the Sanderling flock. They flew off
in a panic towards Irvine.
On our drive off of the Point we stopped next to some Sea Radish , a foragers favourite. Beside these were nice seeding Groundsel.
I also came across a 7-spot Ladybird nestling in the foliage. These
were followed by some snaps of a busy and very nippy Carder Bumblebee
as it worked it’s way around the flowers of Sea Radish.
Sea Radish |
Common Groundsel |
7 Spot Ladybird |
Common Carder Bumblebee |
We drove onto the pier of Saltcoats Harbour. From the end of that pier
we viewed a single drake Eider as it made repeated dives, probably for
Mussels. A Shag sped past and made a pretty sight with the Sun behind.
On the pier’s edge a first year Herring Gull surprisingly turned
its beak up at some breakfast leftovers, black pudding. We walked round
to the other sides of the Harbour where we saw a female Eider, probably
the mate of the male we’d just viewed, and some Ringed Plovers on
the rocks 40m out. John spotted a female House Sparrow which I
dutifully photographed before it flew away.
1st Cycle Herring Gull |
Shag |
Eider |
House Sparrow |
A bit disappointed with our haul at Saltcoats we moved on to our final
stop of the day, Troon Harbour. The car park overlooks the rocky shore.
As I stepped out of the car I saw a ringed Herring Gull with strange
black cladding on its left leg. We went a walk along the sandy beach to
the right of the car park. John spotted a Large White butterfly sitting
on leaves of White Deadnettle. I also photographed some nice Silverweed (also see, “Pictures of the Week”, below) and some Sea Sandwort that was now starting to bloom.
Herring Gull |
Large White Butterfly |
Silverweed |
Sea Sandwort |
We stepped onto the beach and immediately put up a fairly big flock of
small waders that included Dunlin, Ringed Plovers and Sanderling.
Luckily they didn’t go far and soon migrated back to their
original feeding area. We walked the beach as intended and I took
photos of the plentiful Hoary Cress.
Dunlin |
Ringed Plover |
Sanderling |
Hoary Cress |
There were a few patches of Birdsfoot Trefoil
. On the edge of the beach I came across a lovely large plant
of Pencilled Cranesbill. Meanwhile the Ringed Plovers and Dunlin
were creeping ever closer I continued to snapped away merrily until an
aggressive Jackdaw swooped into the middle of the flock and spooked
them. They upped and left speedily towards Ardrossan.
Common Birdsfoot Trefoil |
Pencilled Cranesbill |
Ringed Plover / Dunlin |
Jackdaw |
We left the beach and explored the area to the right of the car park. A
trio of drake Eiders Lee south past us. They seemed to be
pursuing a female (not in shot).
The ubiquitous Rock Pipits were there as well as the equally familiar
Pied Wagtails. The latter were wandering between parked cars hoping for
the crumbs left by the car occupants who were dining on fish suppers
evident from the scent of vinegar that hung in the air. I discovered
another large yellow flowers plant that turned out to be Rape .
At this time of year many of the field in the area contain vast areas of
this plant which is grown for its Rapeseed oil. We were also being
tracked by another common bird, a female House Sparrow (see,
“Pictures of the Week”, below), while a member of yet
another “usual suspect”, a Starling was scouring the
seaweed for food (see, “Pictures of the Week”, below). On
the way back to the car I was attracted to what must be one of the
tiniest bush of flowering Hawthorn that I think I’ve seen.
Rock Pipit |
Pied Wagtail |
Rapeseed |
Common Hawthorn |
The weather had been a bit disappointing with only a few minutes of
sunshine in each of the locations we visited. However it was a nice set
of pictures we talked about as we had our tea and, wait for it .....
large creamed fruit scones with jam. Any negativity ebbed away until I
found out that a Bluethroat was posing for birders over at Barns Ness (last weeks destination). Oh well, that’s the way it goes
Pictures of the Week:
Sanderling |
Silverweed |
Female House Sparrow |
Starling |
12th May 2019:
Skateraw, Whitesands and Barns Ness
Sunday was one of those days when we had the perfect weather prediction
for the whole of Central Scotland - bright, sunny and mild. I plumped
for the Lothian coast east of Dunbar since that area had featured in
recent Twitter reports of some nifty birds such as the Spotted Sandpiper and Yellow and Channel Wagtails at
Skateraw. So after a nice breakfast in Dalkeith Morrisons (9/10: -1 for
order mix up) we found ourselves scouring the rocks around the Lime
Kilns at Skateraw. However the search was in vain. The tide was very
low so the birds had a vast area of exposed bay in which to feed. On
the rocks that were normally teaming with Pipits I did manage to see a
single Rock Pipit, but little else other than a pair of distant
Shelduck. On the bushes by the car park we found Tree Sparrows and,
pleasingly, some Whitethroats (see “Pictures of the Week”,
below). On our way out of Skateraw we stopped by a small field of manure
piles (as you do) where we photographed a Skylark and a Yellow Wagtail
from the car. We did see a pair of feuding Channel Wagtails that were,
frustratingly, behind the car and so out of view of the camera.
Rock Pipit |
Tree Sparrow |
Skylark |
Yellow Wagtail |
On the single track approach road into Barns Ness, John spotted a Buzzard circling overhead. He also noticed a BarnSwallow
that appeared to have a nest on the White Sands toilet block. It posed
for me on the roadside fence wire. John snapped a Carrion Crow that was
looking down imperiously from the high ridge. After parking in the
Barns Ness car park I found a Jackdaw foraging in the nearby
“wire dump”.
Buzzard |
Barn Swallow |
Carrion Crow |
Jackdaw |
Starting in the site of a former caravan park, we set off on a circular
route that would take us past some woods, through grassy areas
overlooking fields and along the sandy shore past the lighthouse then
back to the car. However, we spent quite a long time at the derelict
caravan park as we found so much there of interest. White Deadnettle
was in full bloom with several butterflies flitting from flower to flower.
We saw and photographed Wall, Green-veined and Orange Tip butterflies.
White Deadnettle |
Wall Brown |
Green-veined White |
Orange Tip |
A Carder Bumblebee was on the Greater Periwinkle flowers, and also a Common Wasp .
I managed a decent shot of a Whitethroat through the branches of a
bush. Eventually it heard the camera and flew off. I came across a Dance
Fly, Empis Opaca, prowling on some Spanish Bluebells.
Carder Bumblebee |
Common Wasp |
Whitethroat |
Dance Fly |
A Red-tailed Bumblebee
showed up and started probing the Periwinkle nectaries. A bright red
7-spotted Ladybird was sunning itself on a Holly leaf while on the
stony path I noticed some Ground Ivy was in bloom, it’s violet
flowers catching the eye, complementing the much larger flowers of the
Greater Periwinkle.
Red-tailed Bumblebee |
7 Spot Ladybird |
Ground Ivy |
Greater Periwinkle |
After a 30 minute stop we pressed on along a stand of conifers to a
stone wall boundary wall that overlooked the quarry that supplies the
Concrete plant that lies just south of Barns Ness. During the week the
ground often shakes as rock is blasted from the now huge hole in the
A pair of Goldfinches flew onto the conifers and appeared to be gathering
nesting material (also see “Pictures of the Week”, below).
As we continued around our circuit we could see four Roe Deer some 200m
away by the edge of the quarry. We climbed over a style and crossed a
long, wide field and through a gap in the grassy sand dunes, onto a long
sandy beach. We passed very close to a solitary, very handsome drake
Shelduck. He was very reluctant to leave his rocky stance as we passed.
Usually they are quite flighty so maybe he had found some rich pickings.
John told me to “freeze!”, as he spotted a Skylark on the
pile of Seaweed, only a couple of metres away. I got a few shots in
some lovely light (see also “Pictures of the Week”, below
for more pictures of the Shelduck and Skylark).
Goldfinch |
Roe Deer |
Shelduck |
Skylark |
Looking east from the beach I could see the Moon with an aeroplane
contrail passing above it. We left the beach, watched by one of the
many Carrion Crows, and rounded the Lighthouse. The attached building
is now a holiday home . We sat below the lighthouse, looking
north for Gannets, but they were too far out for acceptable shots. On
the grass around us though I photographed Greater Stitchwort and Spring
Carrion Crow |
Greater Stitchwort |
Spring Vetch |
I also found two wildflowers whose leaves group in threes. These were
Bird’s Foot Trefoil with relatively big yellow pea-like flowers,
and Hop Trefoil whose flowers are also yellow but are spherical. Also
prominent on the grassy foreshore were Creeping Buttercups. Resting on
some of the Buttercups were the jet black-coloured St Mark’s Fly .
Hop Trefoil |
Bird's Foot Trefoil |
Creeping Buttercup |
St Mark's Fly |
We moved across the seashore towards the car park. I snapped a Ribwort
Plantain flowerhead and a Silverweed , a wildflower often confused
with a buttercup. We disturbed a Dunlin which re-settled only
30m further on, so I managed a record shot. On reaching the car, we
decided to move on to Belhaven Bay to finish the day, but as we passed
White Sands John spotted and photographed a roadside Rabbit from the
passenger seat.
Ribwort Plantain |
Silverweed |
Dunlin |
Rabbit |
We sipped tea and demolished a pair of chocolate eclairs ( each! JP.) as we gazed
across the gorgeous panorama before us. It had been a trip rich in
sightings, all, for once, observed in dry, bright sunny weather. Same
again next week please.
Pictures of the Week:
Whitethroat |
Goldfinch |
Skylark |
Shelduck |
5th May 2019:
Garnock Estuary and Irvine Harbour
With the brighter weather predicted in the west, we headed for the
Irvine area. I decided to explore the area of land at the confluence of
the Rivers Irvine and Garnock, guided by the excellent new SOC app .
We had never been in that area before so we were keen to find out what
it could offer us. We began the journey with an excellent breakfast in
Stewartfield Morrisons, East Kilbride (9/10: -1 for slowish service). At
Irvine we parked near the very well-used Recycle Centre near Bogside
and began a trek that took us under a railway line and towards the
Garnock Estuary. As we got out the car John pointed out a busy
Pied Wagtail bobbing its way along the pavement. Around the Centre we
came across patches of small pink flowers. These turned out to be Hedgerow Cranesbill , Cut-leaved Cranesbill and Common Storksbill
Pied Wagtail |
Hedgerow Cranesbill |
Cut-leaved Cranesbill |
Common Storksbill |
Our floral discoveries continued with some White Deadnettle and blue and white Bluebells
(. They continued with a huge patch of what at first looked like very
large Rhubarb but what we found out were actually the toxic Giant Hogweed .
As we continued to make our way towards the Estuary we passed what
looked like the remains of a small orchard of blossoming Apple trees
(also see, “Pictures of the Week”, below).
White Deadnettle |
Common Bluebell |
Giant Hogweed |
Apple |
Our journey to that point had not been devoid of birds. We heard Willow
Warblers, Chiffchaff and Blackcaps but as the woods were fairly dense and
dull we only managed fleeting views of the birds. When we emerged from
the woods into a more open area between some ponds we were able to
actually see the birds. I photographed an obliging and nosey Robin
which sat boldly in front of us (see, “Pictures of the
Week”, below). As I waited for a chance to snap an elusive Willow
Warbler I noticed a colourfully marked Brown-lipped Snail on a tree
trunk. Eventually I managed a fairly decent couple of shots of the
Willow Warbler as it flitted between the branches (also see,
“Pictures of the Week”, below). We next passed into a tall
conifer plantation that ran along the north edge of the Garnock
Estuary. I surveyed the waters with a great deal of disappointment as
it was dull, grey and birdless. We decided that we would be better
sticking to were we’d just been, so we made our way back via a
tarred path that took us past between the pond we had skirted earlier.
On the way we heard, saw and photographed a Chiffchaff and a Goldfinch.
Brown-lipped Snail |
Willow Walbler |
Chiffchaff |
Goldfinch |
Close to the Goldfinch I spotted a Chaffinch calling atop a bare branch.
When we arrived at the ponds there were a couple of Mute Swans with
their cygnets. We also saw a pair of distant and dimly-lit Tufted
Ducks. In the reeds close to where we were sitting a Sedge Warbler had
been calling before I managed to spook it. I’d have waited until
it returned but for the rain that was starting to fall. Just before
moving on, I noticed a wee Thyme-leaved Speedwell flower next to my stool.
Chaffinch |
Mute Swan |
Tufted Duck |
Thyme-leaved Speedwell |
Just as we re-entered the wooded area we had passed earlier I snapped a
wee Reed Bunting. In the fields near my car there were many Cuckoo Flowers
still in bloom. We had intended moving on to Stevenson Point, however,
the slip road from the A78, that we’d used on the way in, was
one-way so we had to go through Irvine. We decided then to go instead
to Irvine Harbour. As we drove there we passed a field where there were
three grazing Clydesdale Horses .
Reed Bunting |
Cuckoo Flower |
Clydesdale Horses |
The Estuary at the Harbour was initially very quiet. We walked beyond
the Coastwatch building to the viewpoint where we spent an entertaining
half hour watching some Gannets diving as near as 50m offshore. I
managed a nice series of pictures of one such dive (also see,
“Pictures of the Week”, below).
Having sated our appetite for Gannets, we made our way back to the car.
We came across several types of gull on the way. A juvenile Great
Black-backed Gull had acquired the remains of someone’s corn on
the cob and seemed happy it had (probably) managed to shake off a mob of
other gulls. Across the river, on a post, an adult Lesser Black-backed
Gull surveyed the scene, while on our side a 2nd cycle Herring Gull flew
over our heads. At the car we positioned our stools ready to take tea.
An adult Herring Gull also took up position seemingly aware that food
was about to be on show.
1st Cycle Great Black-backed Gull |
Lesser Black-backed Gull |
2nd Cycle Herring Gull |
Herring Gull |
However, the Herring Gull had competition. An untidy Rook wandered in,
as did a bonny Feral Pigeon. Sad for them, since, as a rule, we
don’t feed
the birds in car parks. As we sipped tea and munched into some lovely
custard and almond Danish pastries I heard the familiar, creaking tones
of a Sandwich Tern. Although it didn’t come close I noticed it
eventually settled a couple of hundred metres away on a large object in
the River Garnock. The record shot below shows at least 5 adult Terns
and 1 juvenile. As I captured the Tern picture a Cormorant appeared
below the Bridge along with 4 Mute Swans flying past. I snapped the
Swans (potentially more exciting pictures) but the Cormorant flew off
before I could train my camera on it.
Feral Pigeon |
Rook |
Sandwich Terns |
Mute Swan |
After a slow start we eventually ended up with a pleasing set of
pictures. The weather didn’t help us though and I later found out
we’d missed a couple of Little Egrets on the Garnock. We’ll
probably return there on a better day for a more thorough exploration.
Pictures of the Week:
Robin |
Willow Warbler |
Apple |
Gannet |
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